Turn 2 in the Campaign to take Astranar

Turn 2 had almost all players get atleast one game in and saw 7 territories trade hands.

Sean and his nurgle followers managed to use thier spaceport to drop in on the far side  and take some ruins from Land’s Salamanders.

Bryce’s Eldar blasted in and took a manufactorum from Cole the orks, which I am sure they didn’t know what to do with them anyways.  Which Larry managed to sneak in before Bryce had established his fortifications and took that manufactourm for the Dark Eldar instead.

Cole’s Orks inhabiting a manufactorum were Blasted by Bryce’s Eldar who were in turn Blasted by Larry’s Dark Elder- Swelling with pride they Ravaged the near by Orc infested Sheild generator eradicating them to the Grot.

After Failing to Fend off Land’s Salamanders and Sisters (the SS)@ the Bendy river.  Bender Ho’tep teleported to Phil’s spaceport and Annihilated his tau before they could  get into their battle suits. While a Secondary force evicted Bryce’s Eldar from a nice grassy field in the middle of nowhere.

Turn 2 map is posted and resources updated

Campaign to take Astranar

A Warhammer 40k Campaign

Starting Campaign

we will meet on Oct 12th at 9pm to set up the campaign map.  We will  be using mainly the rules from planetary empires. (can be found in the file library). If you can not make it please let us know ( northmengc_admin@googlegroups.com ), Luke and I will be the campaign managers, Luke is not playing so he will be able to be impartial and choose territories for you.

Each player will get 7 territories if we are less than 10 players and 6 territories if we are more than 10 player.  The map will be made with all the players from a random list drawing one tile at a time and building the map.  Then we will take turns placing bonus buildings 3 per player.  Once this is done we will go in turns to choose our starting tile and then work our way through building our empire.

Campaign Rounds

Campaign rounds will be two weeks in length.  During this time you can play as many or as few games as you like.  Decide with your opponent on a game size between 1000 and 2000 points.  Bonus points can take you above the 2000 points if you were playing a 2000 point game.  Allies are allowed.  Fortifications allowed.

please submit who you play, points level, who won on the form found here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vNEff0eYmk1aW6o0_OewHTil_l_dVrG_l7CSr7cbihE/viewform

End of Round

Every two weeks on club night at 9pm we will do the end of round results using the table from the planetary empire rules set.

moral victory will need a narrative to justify it which the campaign managers will review and agree or disagree.  Did you manage to atleast kill his unkillable lord? Did one trooper charge in and chase off a full squad by himself?   Killing a land raider with one krak grenade tossed at its weak spot?

End of Campaign

The campaign ends when some has ten territories and has played a game against half of the players in the campaign.  The winner gets their name on the new Northmen Gaming club 40k Trophy!!

This sounds great now how do I join Let us know on the admin email or sign up on the forums http://www.wcp-vancouver.com/phpBB3/

Great what does it cost to join.  You need to either donate terrain to the club or paint an existing piece of club terrain.